Gender | Flucht | Konflikt

New chapter with Cordula von Denkowski on agency and vulnerability of displaced children published

Im Sammelband “Research Handbook of Children and Armed Conflict” herausgegeben von Myriam Denow und Maya Fennig ist ein Kapitel von Cordula von Denkowski und Ulrike Krause über “Agency, Resilience and Vulnerability of Children in Contexts of Conflict-Induced Displacement” erschienen.

In the volume “Research Handbook of Children and Armed Conflict” edited by Myriam Denow and Maya Fennig, a chapter by Cordula von Denkowski and Ulrike Krause on “Agency, Resilience and Vulnerability of Children in Contexts of Conflict-Induced Displacement” has been published.

Abstract: Violent conflict is one of the major causes of forced migration. Children make up almost half of all displaced people worldwide and they are often particularly affected. Experiences and living conditions of displaced children are manifold and shaped by the specific regional, political, social, economic and cultural contexts. Despite this diversity and complexity, however, much academic research adopts a binary perspective on displaced children, regarding them as either vulnerable or resilient, and as either passive victims or social actors. In this chapter, we contest this view by showing that agency, resilience and vulnerability are complementary and mutually interacting processes. To this aim, we focus on the experiences of displaced children during the process of forced migration, including their situation on flight routes, in camps, as asylum seekers and after durable solutions. Drawing on contemporary research debates, we address situations of displaced children in various countries and regions of the world.


Denkowski, Cordula von and Krause, Ulrike (2024), ‘Agency, Resilience and Vulnerability of Children in Contexts of Conflict-Induced Displacement’, in Myriam Denow and Maya Fennig (eds.), Research Handbook of Children and Armed Conflict (Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing), 147-167. Link