Publication: Article on the Refugee Label, ZIB

A new article was published on the Refugee Label in the GermanCover_zib-1-2016 Journal Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen: ‘„It seems like you don‘t have identity, you don’t belong.” Reflexionen über das Flüchtlingslabel und dessen Implikationen’, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 23 (1), 8-37. The article can be accessed here.

Also, zib-Blog published a blog post entitled ‘Das Label „Flüchtling“: Homogenisierung und Viktimisierung durch eine globale Labelkonstruktion’.


Abstract of the Article

Although the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) defines to whom the legal category of the refugee applies in international law, the refugee status also involves labeling, which refers to politically oriented identity constructions, and processes of social inclusion and exclusion. Focusing on refugees, this article concentrates on what labels and labeling are, how labels are constituted globally, and how they affect the labelled persons locally. To this end, global and local developments are analyzed in order to frame the imposed refugee label with its impacts for refugees. The local-level analysis is based on empirical research in Uganda on the perception of external actors of the refugee regime and refugees themselves.

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