Ulrike Krause

Gender | Forced Migration | Conflict

Dr. Ulrike Krause

Ulrike Krause (she/her) focuses on gender, forced migration, conflict, violence, and humanitarianism in research and teaching. She engages intensively with inequality relations, (non)knowledge production, (post)colonial approaches, and research ethics. Her regional focus is on global developments as well as those in Africa.

Ulrike Krause will assume the Professorship of Political Science with a Focus on Constitution and Politics of Gender Relations at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Münster in August 2024. She has been Affiliated Research Associate at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford since 2017. Previously, she held research positions at FH Münster, Osnabrück University, Ruhr University Bochum, and Marburg University. In the past, she also worked in international cooperation in the areas of gender mainstreaming, refugee protection, and human rights for DED, Unicef, GIZ, and World Vision, among others.


All information on this site reflect personal opinions if not indicated otherwise.