Publication: Hegemony of Men?

A new article entitled  “Hegemonie von Männern? Flüchtlingslager, Maskulinitäten und Gewalt in Uganda” (Hegemony of Men? Refugee Camps, Masculinities and Violence in Uganda) was published in the German Journal Soziale Probleme. The article is in German.   HegofMen

Abstract: Although forced migration and refugee situations are understood to be gendered processes, most empirical studies in Refugee Research focus on how conditions impact on women and their gender roles. However, this article concentrates on how refugee camps affect men and masculinities. By means of the concept of Hegemony of Men by Jeff Hearn and a case study in Uganda, impacts of the restricted living conditions in a refugee camp are discussed with a focus on men. It is argued that refugee camps are social interim-worlds which are strongly shaped by the humanitarian actors. Although men are understood to be the hegemonic social categories, there are conflicting lines between ascribed hegemonic roles of men and their actual position in the humanitarian system. Moreover, the social and hierarchical conditions in the regions of origin of refugees impact on them with their understanding gender systems.


Krause, Ulrike (2016), ‘Hegemonie von Männern? Flüchtlingslager, Maskulinitäten und Gewalt in Uganda‘, Soziale Probleme, 27 (1), 119-45.

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