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New paper by Nadine Segadlo, Wanjira Maina und Abubakar Rugamba about peace and displacement in Kakuma

A new paper by Nadine Segadlo, Wanjira Maina, and Abubakar Rugamba, titled „Building Peace Together: Displaced People’s Collective Contribution to Mental Well-being and Peaceful Coexistence in Kakuma,“ has been published on FluchtforschungsBlog. The paper is based on research conducted within the project „Women, Peace, and Displacement,“ funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research (more on the project here).

Summary: In the context of conflict and displacement, peace constitutes a widely neglected topic in research debates. Especially, displaced people and their active contributions to peace are largely ignored therein. However, in our research in Kakuma in Kenya we explored various peace-related practices of displaced individuals. In this blog post, we place focus on collective efforts carried out in community-based organisations that form part of the peace activities we have identified. Using the example of the registered community-based organisation Easy Fitgang, we show how displaced people collectively tackle existing problems, create support systems and establish a sense of peace in the camp.

Reference: Segadlo, Nadine, Rugamba Kabura, Abubakar, and Maina, Tabitha Wanjira (2025), ‚Building peace together: Displaced people’s collective contribution to mental well-being and peaceful coexistence in Kakuma‘, FluchtforschungsBlog,