Ulrike Krause

Gender | Forced Migration | Conflict

Overview of the research projects:

Women, Forced Migration – and Peace? Peacebuilding Practices of Women in Refugee Camps Link
Led by Ulrike Krause (Osnabrück University); funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research, 2019-2023

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Refugees and Their Protection in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe Link
Cooperation project co-led by Ulrike Krause (Osnabrück University) and Franzisca Zanker (ABI), 2020-2024.

Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT) Link
Cooperation project by BICC, CHREN, IDOS and IMIS; funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung; 2020-2024

Global Refugee Protection and Local Refugee Engagement. Scope and Limits of the Agency of Refugee-led Community-based NGOsLink
Led by Ulrike Krause (Osnabrück University, Univeristät Osnabrück, first located at the Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg University); funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, 2016-2021

Gender Relations in Confined Spaces. Conditions, Scope and Forms of Violence against Women in Conflict-related Refugee Camps Link
Led by Susanne Buckley-Zistel and carried out by Ulrike Krause (Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg University); funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research, 2013-2016