Gender | Forced Migration | Conflict

Ongoing supervision of doctoral projects

Elif Yakac: Muslimische Wohlfahrtsarbeit zwischen Marginalisierung und Legitimität: Anerkennung, Institutionalisierung und die Rolle der Geflüchtetenarbeit (first supervision, since 2020)

Nadine Segadlo: Global policies and norm localization on peace in refugee protection (first supervision, since 2020)

Katharina Heilmann: Care und Männlichkeit im Fluchtregime (first supervision, since 2021)

Sarah S. Spasiano: Alle im selben Boot? Kooperation und  Verweigerung in Beziehungen zwischen zivilen und staatlichen Akteuren der Seenotrettung (second supervision, since 2024)

Onen David Ongwech: Exploring the political agency of foced migrants with diverse sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) amidst homophobia and xenophobia in Uganda (second supervision, since 2024)

Rebecca Enobong Roberts: Examining the Urban Resilience Strategy of Internally Displaced Forced Migrants: Spacemaking as a Measure of Rights to the City (second review, 2025)


Completed doctoral projects

Johanna Ullmann: Die prekäre Inklusion der Emanzipation. Geschlechterspezifische Arbeitsmarktintegrationsprojekte für Geflüchtete in Deutschland aus intersektionaler Perspektive (second supervision, since 2019), completed: 2024

Hannah Schmidt: Weaving the Camp. Refugees’ Practices of Spatialization in a Refugee Camp in Uganda (first supervision, since 2018); completed: 2023 – book publication:

Jasmin Fritzsche-El Shewy: Legal Imaginaries of Space and Displacement (second supervision since 2019); completed: 2022

Shiloe Mokay-Rinke: The Integration of Female Refugees in Germany: Gender-based comparative Analysis of integration policies and refugees (second supervision); completed: 2021