New Article: Conflict-Displacement Nexus

s+fA new paper was published entitled Konflikt-Flucht-Nexus: Globales Ausmaß, genderbezogene Auswirkungen und politische Relevanz (Conflict-Displacement Nexus: Global Scope, gender-related Impacts and political Relevance). It was published in the Journal S&F Sicherheit und Frieden /Security and Peace.

Link to my paper: Link

Abstract: Most refugees flee from violent conflict. Upon arriving in other countries, they often remain in limbo for years. In spite of this, the conceptual nexus between violent conflict and forced migration has been widely neglected both in research and humanitarian aid. This article offers insights into developments, frameworks and practices of the global refugee regime regarding conflict-induced displacement. In this line, it analyzes refugee situations in a gender-sensitive frame with a focus on camps, violence and protracted refugee situations. Finally, the political response is placed in the context of the global trends and the conflict-displacement nexus.

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