Gender | Forced Migration | Conflict


Doctorate Political Science (Dr. rer. pol., magna cum laude), Institute of Political Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany, 08/2009-11/2012

M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of Political Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany, 10/2006-07/2008

B.A. European History, University of Mannheim, Germany, 03/2004-06/2006, with studies abroad at the University of Southampton, UK (ERASMUS)


Academic positions

Professor of Political Science with a Focus on Constitution and Politics of Gender Relations, Institute for Political Science, University of Münster, Germany, since 08/2024

Professor of Social Work in Migration Society, Münster University of Applied Sciences, since 03/2024

Junior Professor of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Institute for Social Sciences, Osnabrück University, Germany, 01/2019-02/2024

Junior Professor of Global Governance and Humanitarian Action, Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 02/2018-12/2018

Visiting Research Fellow, Refugee Studies Centre Oxford and Department of International Development, University of Oxford, UK, 01/2017-03/2017

Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg University, Germany, 09/2013-01/2018

  • PI of the project “Global Refugee Protection and Local Refugee Engagement”, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, 05/2016-01/2018
  • PostDoc in the project “Gender Relations in Confined Spaces”, led by Susanne Buckley-Zistel, 09/2013-10/2014 and 03/2015-04/2016
  • Lecturer (parental leave substitution), 10/2014-03/2015

Adjunct Lecturer, Institute of Political Science, University of Kassel, Germany, 04/2012-07/2013


Non-academic employment and consultancies

Consultant, Children’s Rights Section, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn, Germany, 07/2013

Technical Advisor for Peacebuilding, Human Rights and Gender, World Vision Germany, Friedrichsdorf, Germany, 07/2011-06/2013

Technical Advisor, Human Rights Program, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Kampala, Uganda, 07/2010-04/2011

Consultant, Communications, United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), Kampala, Uganda, 03/2010-07/2010

Junior Technical Advisor, DED Refugee/IDP Program, German Development Service, Kampala and Arua, Uganda, 06/2008-07/2009

Internships: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), 2008; United Nations, Senior Leadership Appointment Section in the Department of Field Support as well as Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, USA, 2007; Goethe Institute Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2007


Selection of administrative responsibilities at universities

Deputy member of the Commission for Research and Academic Qualification (KFWQ), Department 06 – Education and Social Sciences, University of Münster, since 10/2024

Chair of the Central Commission for Gender Equality, Osnabrück University, 07/2020-07/2023

Representative for Sub-Saharan Africa/East Africa, Osnabrück University, 04/2020-02/2024

Member of the Central Commission for Research and the Promotion of Young Academics, Osnabrück University, 06/2019-02/2024

Member of the Central Commission for Research Ethics, Osnabrück University, 06/2019-02/2024

Member of the working group Internationalization, Osnabrück University, 06/2020-05/2023

Member of Teaching Coordination, IFHV, Ruhr University Bochum, 03/2018-12/2018

Member of the Jour Fix, Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg University, 2015


Support of academic associations and committees

Ethics advisor, ERC-Project “Mixed (ar)rivals: Perceptions of threat, inequality, and the risk of violence between different (forced) migrant groups in North Africa” (MixedRivals), Prof Dr Heidrun Bohnet, Krems University, since 2024

Member of the International Advisory Committee for the Funding Initiative “Forced Migration”, Gerda Henkel Foundation, since 04/2022

Member of the Advisory Board of the project “New localism. Resource of peaceful conflict resolution in urban and rural areas”, FU Berlin, since 02/2022

Second Chair of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, since 10/2018, board member since 2014

Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM), 07/2021-08/2022

Member of the Advisory Board, project “Monitoring and evaluation of Protection Concepts for displaced people in accommodation centers”, DeZIM, 09/2019-12/2020

Member of Advisory Board, “Flight as a security problem”, Ruhr University Bochum, 04/2019-05/2020

Member Board of the of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (AFK), 03/2016-04/2018

Co-convenor and co-coordinator of the Working Group Forced Migration and Gender, German Network for Forced Migration Studies, 11/2015-10/2021


Editorial functions

Member of the Advisory Board of the German Journal for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies (Nomos), since 11/2023

Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford University Press), since 09/2021

Co-convener and co-editor of the German Journal for Migration Studies, since 01/2019

Co-convener and co-editor of the German Journal for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, 07/2016-07/2023

Convener and editor of the FluchtforschungsBlog, German Network for Forced Migration Studies, since 02/2015; co-editor since 10/2018-09/2023